The long ridge paralleling the Columbia River north of The Dalles is called the Columbia Hills. It is crossed by the Dalles Mountain Road and is loaded with wild flowers this time of year. I spent the afternoon there yesterday and recorded several species of butterflies:
Papilio zelicaon Anise Swallowtail, 3 very faded individuals
White, 1 unknown species (Cabbage White/Becker's White size)
Icaricia icarioides Boisduval's Blue, several dozen fresh males
Glaucopsyche lygdamus Silvery Blue, 2 faded males
Euphilotes species "buckwheat blue," 1 male (couldn't catch, unsure of species)
Callophrys sheridanii Sheridan's Green Hairstreak, 1 plus another green hairstreak which I'm not sure is Sheridan's, could be either
affinis or
Euphydryas colon Snowberry Checkerspot, several dozen newly-emerged males and around a half dozen females.
Vanessa cardui Painted Lady, around a dozen faded individuals.
Coenonympha tullia/california Ochre Ringlet, several dozen on the lower slopes.
Arrowleaf Balsamroot and Lupine |
Show Phlox Phlox speciosa |
Lupine and Arrowleaf Balsamroot |
Douglas' Buckwheat Eriogonum douglasii |
Snowberry Checkerspot Euphydryas colon, male |
Snowberry Checkerspot Euphydryas colon, female |
Snowberry Checkerspot Euphydryas colon, female |
Snowberry Checkerspot Euphydryas colon, female |
Arrowleaf Balsamroot, sweet pea (Lathyrus sp.), Nine-leaved Desert Parsley (Lomatium triternatum), Bare-stem Desert Parsley (Lomatium nudicaule) and a number of other flowers! |
Arrowleaf Balsamroot and sweet pea (Lathyrus sp.) |
View south over the Columbia River and Oregon wheat country |
View west towards The Dalles |
So much paintbrush! |
It really did look like it was glowing! |
Yellow Prairie Violet Viola nuttallii |
Large-headed Clover Trifolium macrocephalum |
Panorama of the Columbia Hills (click to enlarge) |
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