Monday, May 14, 2018

Book Announcement: Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest

My book with Robert Michael Pyle is now out! ...I know, I'm a bit late in posting came out last month and has caused a flurry of activity in my trying to distribute complimentary copies to all the photographers and answering many dozens of emails. We've been pleased and humbled by the enthusiastic response it has had so far.
You may find it at major retailers and many local bookstores. It's a great resource covering all butterfly species in Washington, Oregon, and surrounding edges of British Columbia, Idaho and California, if I do say so myself :)

Also, don't forget to check out my own website where I'm selling my two self-published books:


  1. Hi Caitlin - Got my copy of Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest just the other day and have been really enjoying it. What a beautiful book! Even though I'm a little east of you in Idaho, I'm thinking its going to be a really great reference tool for me. Congratulations on a fantastic job!

    1. Thanks! It should still apply, especially with our additions of more Spokane-area images and map records, although you might have a few species we didn’t cover.
